
a group of male students playing instruments


Credit: Penn State Lehigh Valley

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(PSU-LV)的学生想要更多地参与校园活动,不需要找太远. 浏览一下校园网站上的学生生活日历, digital signage, or social media, 很明显,校园里从不缺少活动. 学生是否想要加入俱乐部或组织, attend a program, or have a little fun to unwind and de-stress, 学生事务办公室可以帮助他们找到他们想要的东西.

参加俱乐部或组织是学生大学经历的重要组成部分, according to Pam Fleck, assistant director of student affairs.

“It’s really what the student makes it. It’s a way to enrich what the college can give them, build connections and friendships with other students, and create a sense of belonging. 我认为教职员工有助于灌输这种归属感, 但是通过俱乐部和活动来扩大你的经验是非常重要的,” she said. “参与让学生有机会通过课堂外的接触点,感觉自己属于十大网赌靠谱网址平台.”

PSU-LV目前提供的30多个俱乐部和组织分为四大类-社区服务型, cultural and religious, academic, and personal interest. Students are also welcome to start their own club. “All they would need to do is contact Student Affairs, develop a constitution, recruit members, and find an advisor. It’s very easy to start a new club,” Fleck said.I

这不仅仅是与其他有相似兴趣的学生见面, though that’s definitely a big draw. It’s also about giving back, 通过校园服务项目和倡议参与社区活动, and using different skills. “Community Heroes is a service-oriented club. They do initiatives like Take What You Need, 哪一块黑板上写满了积极的十大网赌靠谱网址平台,学生们在需要“激励”的时候可以拿出来.' They’ve also created a 'random act of kindness' tree. 俱乐部的目的是在社区里帮助别人, but they give back to campus, too,” Fleck said.

For example, 今年4月,社区英雄俱乐部与新成立的妇女赋权俱乐部为“Live”合作, Love, Lavender.这次活动的特色是“自制花盆”工艺,让学生们自己画画和装饰, 另一幅画下来送给布鲁姆镇的一位居民, 伯利恒的一个为性交易受害者提供服务的居住中心. “Lavender seeds were also included. BLOOM的一位发言人出席了这次活动,并分享了有关该机构的十大网赌靠谱网址平台.

骄傲月在4月举行了几项活动. 在第一周,我们提供了一个带有赠品的十大网赌靠谱网址平台表, 酷儿教育者Jacob Kelley介绍了LBGTQIA图标, places and time and biases, as well as a drag performance during week two, and for week three, 布拉德伯里沙利文LGBTQ中心参加了一个会议.

音乐俱乐部是一个活跃的俱乐部,对校园产生了很大的影响. 这个团体欢迎有各种音乐技巧的学生, whether singing or playing an instrument, and meets in the Music Room to practice, jam, and de-stress. 俱乐部定期举办卡拉ok合唱活动,每月在自助餐厅举办学生表演, 它主要突出俱乐部成员,但对任何希望展示自己才能的学生开放. 俱乐部成员还在奖学金晚宴等特殊的校园活动中表演.

“俱乐部成员真的很珍惜在大学期间继续他们的爱好的机会, 音乐为我们所有的学生提供了一个很好的联系,” Fleck said.


“There are so many benefits to getting involved. 首先,学生们获得了领导能力和时间管理技能. They give back to campus. It helps balance the stress of coursework. 而且,积极参与校园活动可以让学生应用他们在课堂上学到的知识. 例如,金融专业的学生可能想加入学生活动费用委员会. It’s a great boost for a resume,” Fleck said. “I tell students, 活跃在校园里可以让你从其他申请者中脱颖而出, 这些经历会给你在面试中提供很好的谈话要点. For example, if a student is asked, “你能告诉我一个你在压力下必须迅速反应的经历吗??,他们可以从校园活动中获得不同的经历,尤其是领导角色.”

学生事务办公室每年秋天都会举办一次参与博览会,向学生介绍校园里的各种俱乐部和组织. This year’s event is set for Wednesday, Sept. 4, but students can get involved at any time. 查看学生事务日历,了解校园内发生的最新事件.

有关学生事务办公室的更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台,请联系Fleck [email protected].
